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Houghton Baptist
Pastor's Blog
Thursday, February 04 2016

     Over Summer break I felt God sharing with me a little bit of His plan for the Church. I felt like He was telling me to get ready for Growth. That the church was ready to see growth and that it was not something we were going to do but that He would do it. This is what God has been up to at Houghton Baptist Church over the last 6 months. 

Giving has gone up, small groups have doubled, servants have increased, families are joining quickly and getting plugged in right away. Also, we have been baptizing people every couple of months. The lost are finding a church home, the unchurched are becoming churched!

I have never seen God so active among a group of believers before in my life. Its so amazing! 

We know that in order to follow the Lord, it takes great faith, in fact in order to do anything for the Lord takes great faith. Building a Kingdom work that is centered around Jesus Christ and His mission takes just as much faith because often times the flesh gets in the way of what God wants to do. 

We have literally stepped out of the way and are allowing King Jesus to lead us!

We are learning that it takes just as much faith to trust God during good times as it does bad times. We know that God is faithful and know that He has good plans for us! 

Our attendance on Sunday mornings as increased as well,  to the point where we are considering expanding our worship space. Either building onto the existing worship space or building an entirely different Worship Center off the other side of the building. These things are very exciting but to be truthful a little overwhelming. 

Our prayer is that God will not only provide for this new space but to continue  to increase our family. There are thousands of people in our area that need the love of Jesus and a place they can grow at their own speed. They need a church who will love them and make them feel welcome. A place where they can be challenged to grow in their faith and learn to make steps of faith as well. We are a church that doesn't't overlook anybody! 

Our motto is " Come as You are! "

Ephesian 2:20-22 " Built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone, in whom the whole structure, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord. In him you also are being built together into a dwelling a place for God by the Spirit."

1 Corinthians 3:9 "For we are God's fellow workers. You are God's field, God's building."

Posted by: David Whitaker AT 04:16 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email

    Houghton Baptist Church, A Place for the Community 
    2801 West Sharon Avenue
    Houghton, MI 49931

    Services at  11:15am every Sunday 
    (906) 483-0821 (Office) or (906) 231-7134 ( Office Manager) Gillian Whitaker 
    (906) 231-7778 ( Pastor’s Cell) Email:info (at)

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