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Houghton Baptist
Pastor's Blog
Wednesday, August 06 2014

We all go through different seasons in life, especially as we strive to live for the Lord. We are warned in scripture that trials will come and suffering will come but to be strong in the Lord and that our hope is in Him. I would say that sums up the past 6months. As a church we have never been more alive spiritually and on fire for Christ but with that comes adversity and trials.

We have grown as a body of believers to be people who support one another and challenge one another to work on their walks with Christ. I believe God has blessed this work because we are supporting one another and we are working together to further His name and grow in our own personal walks with Jesus.

That's the church! If you look at 1 John we are instructed to love others in action and not just in words and then in James, He instruct us to confess our sins to one another and pray for one another. The body of Christ grows when these things are being carried out by the church.

Over the last two months we have been studying on Sunday mornings the Life of Elijah. The prophet who strived to serve God and bring revival to the people of Israel while the Enemy worked hard at trying to destroy that and the life of Elijah.

He was bold and committed but yet had times of weakness and great difficulties. We can relate to this servant of God because there are times where we are strong in Christ and other times when we are weak and broken. God has been teaching us through the word that we are no different than Elijah and that there will be times where we fail to meet God and fulfil our calling but yet God remains with us.

God took care of Elijah no matter what trial or situation arose and we too as the church have to learn to trust our Creator for that kind of protection and direction. He is steering our church and steering those who are involved and it hasn't all been easy but its been fruitful.

I am looking forward to seeing where God moves us next! If we are listening and ready to follow, He is faithful to lead!

Posted by: Pastor David AT 01:33 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email

    Houghton Baptist Church, A Place for the Community 
    2801 West Sharon Avenue
    Houghton, MI 49931

    Services at  11:15am every Sunday 
    (906) 483-0821 (Office) or (906) 231-7134 ( Office Manager) Gillian Whitaker 
    (906) 231-7778 ( Pastor’s Cell) Email:info (at)

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